Monday, December 31, 2007

Our Christmas bike ride

So, after a few days of eating a lot of food: crab, beef wellington, creme brulee, tamales, etc., we decided to get a little exercise. We went upvalley to Yountville and rented some bikes to work off some of the Christmas weight. We had a great time. Hope this becomes a new tradition. ~Cisco.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas catch-up

We've been so busy this December... wait this November and December, that we haven't had much time to blog stuff. Not to mention that we left our camera in Southern California during our anniversary and didn't get it back until Christmas. Anyway, here is a slide show of our best Christmas tree ever and the kids during there Christmas Choir performance. Enjoy! ~Cisco

Prayers go out.....

For the Patrician family as they have lost a dad, a husband and a friend this christmas holiday! I can't imagine how hard it must be. May the Lord be with you, may He go before your every step, may He meet all your needs, may you all know Him like you've never known him before, and may He fill the holes in your hearts and heal your wounds during this time of deep loss! May you know him as your comforter, your saviour, provider, redemeer and friend. May you know him as Father....

Prayers go out.....

Prayers go out tonight for Roby Duke's family and friends. We will miss his laughter and his music he so graciously shared with us! We are priviledged to share is his great gift! And we are sure he is making the most beautiful music as he touches His face. One day we will see Him too!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Abuela, Auntie Bernie and Nana

It was a real treat to have my mom, sister and niece in town this last weekend. They live in Vallejo and rarely get a chance to come visit us in Monterey, but things worked out for them to stay 3 days. I got to show them where I work on Saturday and then on Sunday they came to 3rd service... WOO-HOO! It was the first time my mom has ever seen what Missy and I do. She was "overwhelmed" by it all.

Lanaya and Angelo really enjoy hanging out with Abuela (Grandma), Auntie Bernie and Cousin Nana (Ariana). And, as always, they got spoiled. Auntie Bernie is especially good at that. Lanaya scored a sweet looking hat and Angelo got a mini skateboard. The funny thing about it is that we told Angelo that he had to wait until he was 6 years old before he could have a skateboard. He prayed that he would get one before he turned 6 and sure enough, the Lord granted his request. I guess special exceptions apply when family comes to town :) ~Cisco.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fall Family Festival 2007

We had a great time this Halloween at CCMB's Fall Family Festival. Lanaya dressed up as Snow White and Angelo was a Jedi (Qui Gon Jin to be exact). I just threw on my Giant's jersey and Giant's hat and was a baseball player. Missy took the kids around to the games and bounce houses while I ran around making sure the sound equipment was up and running. We also had James and the Professor performing in the sanctuary. All in all, it was a good time.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jesus Loves Me + Popcorn

Get a few friends together and try it! :) ~Cisco

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Fun at Pizzinni Farms

Lanaya and Angelo with our friends Abby, Lilly, and Bea in the artichoke patch at thier grandparents farm. This was my first time having fried, or as the kids called em', french fried artichoke hearts! Yummy! Thanks to Ilene!

Here's Naya, Lilly and Bea at the conveyer belt checking out the artichokes and looking for worms! It was nice of Ilene's brother Tony to show us how it all worked!

The kids loved running in the fields and exploring. Angelo said they wanted to have an adventure, but if the mom's came it would only be a field trip. Sorry Angelo. :)

Here is the slough in between the artichoke fields. The kids had a blast throwing sticks and rocks into the thick slimy goo! Yuck! We laughed so hard!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Reading & Riding

Bubba's first reader!

Naya's "Go Dog Go!"

Bike ride at El Estero

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Christmas in September

She's a natural!

He's a natural, too.... kinda!?!

"You can dance if you want to..."

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bro's , Burger's & Baseball

Last night we watched the Giants beat the Dodgers, 5 to 4, at AT&T Park (sorry Nate). Me, Nate Holdridge, Riley Ramones and Will Silva enjoyed Club Level seats and great views of McCovey Cove and the Bay Bridge. On the way, Nate, Riley and I stopped at In-N-Out Burger, had a double-double and then took Caltrain from San Carlos into San Francisco. It dropped us off 2 blocks away for the stadium. Caltrain...very convenient and it beats sitting in traffic. ~Cisco

Gramma's Birthday

We were in Napa this past Monday to surprise Gramma for her birthday. We enjoyed the beautiful sunny day in and out of the pool and watched Lanaya & Angelo swim all day. They are doing great. Lanaya can swim confidently in the deep end now and Bubba just got enough gutts to try it. I challenged him to swim to me; I'd take a step backwards and have him swim to me again. Eventually, we got out to the deep end and I asked him if he'd like to try swimming all the way across. He agreed and did it! We are so proud of both of them. The pool slide was a hit! They both know how to slide down and swim to the side.
Later that night, Grampa made a wonderful dinner and we had cake & presents for Gramma. We took a walk around the block and enjoyed the beautiful sunset over the Browns Valley hills. God truely has blessed them with a gorgeous home and beautiful surroundings!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hoffman Park

Saturday is a half day for me from work and you know what that means... Family Fun Day. This last Saturday we went to Hoffman Park, a cool little park we found when we were living in Pacific Grove (PG). We like this park because nobody's hardly ever there and it overlooks the Bay.

The first thing that Naya and Bubba jump on is this spinning wheel thingy. They just spin and spin in circles until they fall off. I don't know how they do it. If they're anything like me, they would get sick after the first spin. After the spinning wheel is the play set; Naya likes to climb on top of the monkey bars and Bubba likes to swing. It's really cool to see them playing together. They're like best buds. It reminds me of when my sister, Bernie and I would just play for hours together at the playground in our old apartment complex in Napa. I wonder if Naya and Bubs will have similar memories? ~Cisco.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Catchin' bugs

Me, Naya and Bubs catchin' bugs out in the shared courtyard of our townhome complex. The kids are growing up aren't they? ~Cisco.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mama knows how to cook.

So, Missy wasn't sure exactly what she was going to make for dinner tonight. All she knew was... MEXICAN FOOD... about an hour later this marvelous display of culinary excellence appeared before me. She had never prepared this meal before, but let me tell you... we will have it again. It was like having chicken enchilada without the enchilada. Anyway, all I can say is................ "My belly is very, very happy!"